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New Hop Products on the Block

Ally Caldicott-Levitt

Hop producers around the globe are hearing us shout our love of hops to the heavens and are coming up with new, innovative ways to give us what we want....

New Hop Products on the Block

Ally Caldicott-Levitt

Hop producers around the globe are hearing us shout our love of hops to the heavens and are coming up with new, innovative ways to give us what we want....

What Makes It a Lager?

What Makes It a Lager?

Allison Caldicott-Levitt

“What’s the difference between beer and lager?” Quick and simple, a Lager is a style of beer.  But it would make for a shitty blog if we ended there.

What Makes It a Lager?

Allison Caldicott-Levitt

“What’s the difference between beer and lager?” Quick and simple, a Lager is a style of beer.  But it would make for a shitty blog if we ended there.

Mythbusters: 1000 IBU

Allison Caldicott-Levitt

Now, you would think you could just chuck a ton of hops in the boil and get a ton of isomerized alpha acids in return, and just keep adding hops...

Mythbusters: 1000 IBU

Allison Caldicott-Levitt

Now, you would think you could just chuck a ton of hops in the boil and get a ton of isomerized alpha acids in return, and just keep adding hops...

The 'Terroir' Discussion

Allison Caldicott-Levitt

If you’ve ever sipped a glass of wine, you’ve probably heard of terroir.  It’s a word used so much in the wine world that it almost belongs to it. One...

The 'Terroir' Discussion

Allison Caldicott-Levitt

If you’ve ever sipped a glass of wine, you’ve probably heard of terroir.  It’s a word used so much in the wine world that it almost belongs to it. One...

Off Flavours & Aromas

Allison Caldicott-Levitt

We are all familiar with the flavours and aromas we love from a beer, but what about those that when you get a whiff, or the liquid touches your tongue...

Off Flavours & Aromas

Allison Caldicott-Levitt

We are all familiar with the flavours and aromas we love from a beer, but what about those that when you get a whiff, or the liquid touches your tongue...

Napa Made Me Do It

Allison Caldicott-Levitt

The landscape was utterly stunning, rolling hills covered in trees that resembled broccoli bushes. The weather was warm, but didn’t come with the dry heat of Los Angeles, and the...

Napa Made Me Do It

Allison Caldicott-Levitt

The landscape was utterly stunning, rolling hills covered in trees that resembled broccoli bushes. The weather was warm, but didn’t come with the dry heat of Los Angeles, and the...