Hāpi Days In The Hop Fields

Hāpi Days In The Hop Fields

Hāpi Research is a collaborative program aimed at developing hops alongside brewers to grow (pun intended) the hop industry in Aotearoa. With brewers from around the globe attending the annual event (albeit after a 4 year hiatus – thanks COVID!), it’s the perfect opportunity for farmers and brewers to discuss where the market is trending and what the punter desires. The focus is on the two main factors of hop use: variety and processing.

The hop breeding program run by Hāpi Research continues to develop varieties grown in New Zealand in an attempt to produce novel flavours and aromas. Working with brewers to anticipate where the market might be in 5, 10, even 15 years is a tough job, but the team are working hard to put New Zealand at the forefront of craft beer innovation.

With new hop products hitting the shelves every day, the Hāpi symposium is the perfect opportunity to educate brewers on the latest way to get lupulin in beer. From SubZero Hop Kief (concentrated liquid dry-hop) to Kohia Nelson (blend of hops and dried passionfruit husks), there’s always new and innovative ways for brewers to add our favourite flavours to their hoppy numbers.

So, whether you’re a Nelson Sauvin supremacist or a Motueka maniac, keep your eyes on the horizon for fresh and fun new flavours coming from across the ditch!

Photo by Hapi Hop Research Centre.

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